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Understanding Proteins with Hubert Cormier and Bon Matin

What would we be without protein? Honestly, not much. Unless we were born yesterday, we all know that we need proteins to keep our bodies in good working order. You can’t drive a car on an empty tank! Now that we’ve gotten that mechanical analogy out of the way, we can get to the heart of the matter.
You should know that Canada's Food Guide says that protein products should make up one quarter of our diet. And don't worry, we know from Health Canada that 100% of Canadians consume the recommended amount of protein.
One challenge, however, is how to spread out your protein sources from morning to night. Remember, eating half a block of tofu at supper doesn’t compensate for protein deficiency!
To find out more about protein, we spoke to an expert on the subject, Dr. Hubert Cormier, nutritionist and Bon Matin’s new ambassador. We decided to ask him three questions for you:
1. So why do we need protein?
“It’s a bit like the bricks in a house, the purpose of proteins is to build new cells. They help renew muscle cells, bones, nails, hair, skin, but they also form small internal messengers such as hormones, enzymes, and immune system antibodies.”
The human body is unable to produce certain amino acids (described as essential) on its own. This is why we need protein foods. Although “protein foods” are part of the current jargon, we should explain the concept and have specific foods available to guide your weekly trip to the grocery store!
2. When we say protein foods, what do we mean?
“Look at lean proteins, like those in poultry, fish, seafood as well as game and, whenever possible, add plant proteins to your diet. For example, legumes, soy and soy derivatives (textured vegetable protein, tofu, tempeh, edamame, roasted soybeans) and whole grain products are excellent choices.”
Did you know that bread is a good source of protein? On February 18, Bon Matin launched their new no-fat, no-sugar-added protein loaf It has 14 g of vegetable protein per two-slice serving. Now that’s what we call breakfast of champions!
3. What's the best way to spread out your daily protein intake?
“Protein can help you better manage and curb your hunger during the day. The right distribution helps you feel full and prevents hunger pangs. Breakfast is usually the meal with the least protein, while dinner is the opposite. Try to equally distribute at all meals, with a target of at least 20-30 grams of protein/meal.”
When we say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it’s no understatement! If you want to have energy throughout the day, you need to distribute protein at each meal. Bon Matin's new protein loaf is an excellent way to add more plant-based protein to your daily diet, in line with Canada's Food Guide.
To keep up to date with Dr. Hubert Cormier, nutritionist and Bon Matin ambassador, follow Bon Matin on Facebook and Instagram.